Bridging The Gap: Responsible Gambling Collaborative

The NCRG is excited to announce its participation in a newly convened Responsible Gaming Collaborative, made up of key stakeholders in the gambling industry and other sectors. This collaboration includes the National Council on Problem Gambling, the National Center for Responsible Gaming, the University of Nevada-Las Vegas International Gaming Institute, Harvard University’s T.H. Chan Public School of Health, Yale School of Medicine, the National Indian Gaming Association, the Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers, the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries and the National Thoroughbred Racing Association. It was formed to provide a diverse set of stakeholders that will aim to align the industry and create transformative change in the Responsible Gaming landscape. This collaborative will also open discussion for effective and cost effective responsible gaming programs and hopes to bridge the gap between scientific research and gambling regulation and policies.

See full press release here:

NCRG staffICRG NewscollaborationNCRGresponsible gaming