Sarah E. Nelson, PhD, Cambridge Health Alliance and Harvard Medical School

Responsible gambling (RG) algorithms appear to have become more complex and nuanced over time, with “AI” and “machine learning” serving as buzz words to signal their legitimacy. However, no matter how complex our models, they are only as valid as the data and outcomes upon which they are built and validated. This talk entreats the audience to return to basics and consider both the building blocks and pitfalls of RG algorithms. The talk will touch on the outcomes used to validate and evaluate these algorithms, how we distinguish involvement from risk for problems, potential algorithmic biases, and the proper use of algorithms within a larger RG system.

Dr. Sarah Nelson is the director for research at the Division on Addiction, Cambridge Health Alliance, a Harvard Medical School teaching hospital, as well as an associate professor of psychology in the department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

This webinar took place on May 15, 2024. Click below to view the recording.

When Art Paikowsky became president of the National Center for Responsible Gaming, now the International Center, the focus on responsible gaming was intensifying. Under his leadership, the center expanded as new sports betting and iGaming sectors contributed funding. Paikowsky explains the grant application process and discusses impactful ongoing studies in an interview with GGB Publisher Roger Gros at the Indian Gaming tradeshow in Anaheim in April.

Yesterday marked the 25th annual AGEM & American Gaming Association Golf Classic, presented by JCM Global at Shadow Creek! We’re incredibly grateful for the continuous support over the years. Thanks to you, we’re able to advance important responsible gaming research. Want to help make a difference? Visit to see how you can get involved. Let’s keep making a positive impact together!

Team JMC Global features David Kubajak, SVP of Sales, Marketing, and Operations, alongside Katie Gehrke, Marketing and Communications Manager.
ICRG’s President Arthur Paikowsky, Director of Tribal Nations Relations and Communications Nicole Scott, and Senior Fundraiser Joshua Belkin
Team Gaming Laboratories International

Sign in to this webinar, recorded on April 25, 2023, to take a profound look into integrating cultural healing practices within clinical settings, featuring Dr. Whelshula’s innovative approach. Delve into the principles of an integrative cultural healing model as Dr. Whelshula expertly applies them in her clinical practice, providing insights that bridge traditional wisdom and modern therapy. This session will leave you inspired and curious to explore deeper into the realm of culturally enriched therapeutic methods.


Art Paikowsky, President of the ICRG said the first edition of the ICE gaming expo in Barcelona will see the iconic event elevating “to another level.”

Barcelona will be the host city for Clarion Gaming’s ICE and iGB Affiliate conferences from 2025, bringing an end to a 12-year tenure at ExCeL London.