Call For Posters At NCRG Conference On Gambling And Addiction

Do you have new empirical research on gambling disorders that you would to share with colleagues and others interested in gambling research? If so, we encourage you to submit a poster abstract for the session on Sept. 22, 2013, at the 14thannualNCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction.
Subject Matter
Posters can focus on any aspect of gambling disorders and must report on empirical research. Abstracts will be reviewed for scientific merit. An award for the outstanding poster will be presented at the conference.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts are limited to 500 words and should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word or other word processing software using a font size no smaller than 12 pt. Please include the following information:
- Title of presentation
- Name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s)
- Mailing address, telephone and email address of the first author
- Poster abstract (no more than 500 words). Please follow APA format for text and references. The abstract should address sample and methods, preliminary findings and implications for the field.
- By submitting a poster, at least one author must agree to attend the conference and to participate as the poster presenter. No individual can be first author on more than one abstract.
Abstracts will be accepted on a rolling basis until August 1, 2013. Send abstract via email to Nathan Smith, program officer at the Questions? Email or call 978-338-6610.
NCRG staffConference on Gambling and AddictionCall for PostersNCRG Conferenceposter sessionresearch