Calling All College Health Professionals And Administrators: Get Involved In The NCRG’s College Gambling Awareness Campaign

In 2011, the National Center for Responsible Gaming (NCRG), a website designed to help university administrators, campus health professionals, students and parents address these issues using the latest research on college gambling and free resources to incorporate into existing campus-wide education programs.
This month, the NCRG is adding some new features to to raise awareness about gambling and gambling-related harms on college campuses. The NCRG will release several new resources to help college health professionals and college administrators educate students and faculty about this important issue so they can make responsible decisions about gambling. To learn how you can get involved, please join the NCRG for an informational Google Hangout session on Tuesday, March 11.
NCRG College Gambling Awareness Campaign:
Google Hangout Information Session
College Health Professionals and College Administrators
The NCRG will hold a 45-minute Google Hangout for college health professionals and college administrators to learn more about the NCRG’s College Gambling Awareness Campaign, the resources available and how they can help raise awareness at their institutions.
The hangout will cover the following topics:
- College Gambling: A Public Health Perspective
- The NCRG’s College Gambling Initiative
- NCRG College Gambling Awareness Campaign
- Get Involved! Raise Awareness on Your Campus
- Q&A
Tuesday, March 11
Noon – 12:45 p.m. (EDT)
Google Hangout
Please note that you will not be featured on video, but you will be able to communicate with the host throughout the Google Hangout.
For more information, For question, contact Amy Kugler
NCRG staffICRG NewsCollege Administratorscollege gamblingCollege Gambling Awareness CampaignCollege Health ProfessionalsGoogle Hangout