Calling All Early Stage Investigators!

The NCRG is accepting applications for their Early Stage Investigator Grant until May 1, 2018.


  • Are you interested in Gambling Disorder Research?
  • Are you within 10 years of completing your terminal degree?
  • Are you looking for mentoring and research experience?

If so, we invite you to submit an application for grant funding of up to 65,000/ per year for two years.


Applications must contain a research plan that has intrinsic research importance in the area of gambling disorder and must serve as a vehicle for learning methodology, theories and concepts needed to become an independent researcher in the field of Gambling Research.


Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until May 1, 2018

Past Early Stage Investigator Awardees include:

  • Jennifer L. Tackett, PhD, University of Houston
    Aim: Investigate the extent to which dispositional traits (i.e. Extraversion and Neuroticism) and motivational pathways (i.e. approach and avoidance motivations) predict distinct pathways to youth gambling.
  • Heather Gray, PhD, Cambridge Health Alliance
    Aim: Use the actual online gambling transactions to describe the gambling behavior of the most active and “high risk” gamblers and to examine gamblers’ adaptation to new gambling opportunities.
  • Iris Balodis, PhD, Yale University School of Medicine
    Aim: Better understand the mechanisms underlying the relationship between the stress response and engagement in risky behaviors in populations with gambling disorder.
  • Katherine Nautiyal, PhD, Columbia University and Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc.
    Aim: Determine the role played by the serotonin 1B receptor in the development of impulsive behavior through a mouse gambling behavioral model.


Download the detailed announcement and application form at

Please feel free to email Program Officer, Shayna Adams, atsadams@ncrg.orgwith any questions.

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