Help The NCRG Recognize Excellence: Submit A Nomination For The 2013 NCRG Scientific Achievement Award

Do you know a pioneer in the field of research on gambling disorders? Each year, theNational Center for Responsible Gaming(NCRG) recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of research on gambling disorders with theNCRG Scientific Achievement Award.This year’s award will be presented during theNCRG Conference on Gambling and Addictionin Las Vegas, taking place Sept. 22-24, 2013
Nominations may include:
- Research investigators at any stage in their career—early stage, mid-career or senior– whose research has made significant contributions to the knowledge base about gambling disorders;
- Educators who have successfully mentored young investigators in the field or have excelled at promoting public awareness and education about gambling disorders and responsible gaming; and/or
- A recent publication in a scientific, peer-reviewed journal that represents seminal work in the field.
The nomination package must include the following:
- Letter of recommendation: A detailed letter of recommendation describing the worthiness of the nominee, specifying his or her contribution to the field of gambling research or the significance of the publication nominated.
- Curriculum vitae (CV): For individual nominees, include an up-to-date CV.
- For research investigators, include a comprehensive bibliography of the nominee’s publications.
- Publications: For research investigators, submit no more than five scientific publications representative of the nominee’s work. In the case of a nomination of a publication, include a copy of the published version of the article. The publication must have been published in the same year as or the year prior to the nomination.
Submit nomination materials in PDF format to NCRG Senior Research Director Christine Reilly ( by Aug. 1, 2013. The selection committee, composed of distinguished scientists in the addictions field, will select one recipient to receive the 2013 award.
Each NCRG Scientific Achievement Award winner has an intriguing story to tell, and last year’s winner was no exception.Watch Randy Stinchfield, Ph.D., L.P.P., of the University of Minnesota, receive the 2012 NCRG Scientific Achievement Award for his contributions to research on youth gambling. You can also visit theaward websitefor a list of past recipients.
NCRG staffConference on Gambling and AddictionNCRG ConferenceNominationsscientific achievement award