NCRG Brochures Help Guide The Conversation About Responsible Gaming Internationally

How do you say “responsible gaming?” The NCRG is making it a bit easier to do so by translating various resources into other languages, including Spanish, French, Korean, Vietnamese and Chinese. During this year’s Responsible Gaming Education Week (RGEW), the NCRG is excited to share that its “Talking with Children about Gambling Brochure” is now available in these languages. And we aren’t stopping there! We are also excited to give a preview of additional resources that will be translated later this year.
RGEW is a time where many of the resources from theAmerican Gaming Association (AGA)and the NCRG are put on display, but this year’s events particularly highlight how responsible gaming needs to reach a broader, more diverse audience. The NCRG developed “Talking with Children about Gambling” in 2009 in partnership with the Division on Addiction, Cambridge Health Alliance, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School. The research-based guide is designed to help parents, as well as others who work with youth, deter children from gambling and recognize possible warning signs of problem gambling and other risky behaviors.
“Talking with Children about Gambling” is not the only NCRG publication in six languages. In the coming weeks, the NCRG will release various resources to help reach a global population. These materials include the College Gambling brochure and the Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen, and they will be put online as a free download on theNCRG website.
A key component of gambling responsibly is to understand the odds of games and know that the odds of winning are with the house. To help educate the public about responsible gaming, the AGA also translated its more widely used responsible gaming brochures into these same languages.“The House Advantage: A Guide to Understanding the Odds”gives a breakdown of the odds of different casino games.“Taking the Mystery out of the Machine”explains how slot machines work, and“Keeping it Fun: A Guide to Responsible Gaming”discusses ways to gamble responsibly and set personal limits to determine whether, when and how much to gamble.
Make sure to check out all of these resources online on the NCRG and AGA websites. Are there other languages that the NCRG and AGA should include when translating materials? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.
NCRG staffResponsible Gamingresponsible gamingRGEWTalking with Children about GamblingTranslated Resources