NCRG Joins Supporters Of National Screening Day, March 14, 2017

Gambling Disorder Screening Day (Screening Day) is a one-day event held annually on the second Tuesday of March during Problem Gambling Awareness Month. Established in 2014 by the Division on Addiction at Cambridge Health Alliance, Screening Day has included supporters and screeners from Cambridge Health Alliance, Massachusetts and New England, the United States, and around the world. Screening Day has helped identify individuals in those regions who might have Gambling Disorder and should seek further assessment.
Although Gambling Disorder is a serious mental health disorder the can lead to financial, emotional, social, occupational, and physical harms, many cases go undetected, due to limited assessment for this problem. Screening Day addresses the imperative to detect gambling-related problems as early as possible, and the Division on Addiction encourages all organizations and providers to participate in this annual event.
The NCRG participates in Screening Day by distributing for free the Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen (BBGS) in magnet form to treatment providers and others interested in conducting screening. The three-question BBGS was developed by the Division on Addiction with support from the NCRG. Contact Ariana Fox at NCRG to place your order (; 978-338-6610).
Organizations and individuals interested in hosting a screening event on Screening Day should visit the Division’s Screening Day Toolkit (, which contains a variety of free online tools and resources, including a printable and customizable Screening Day Flyer, BBGS e-Screener (Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen) and a one-page article, What Is Gambling Disorder? The Division encourages organizations and individuals to share these tools and resources to educate staff and patients.
To host Screening Day on March 14, 2017,
NCRG staffResponsible Gaming