Audio Interview With NCRG Conference Poster Award Winner Dr. Iman Parhami

During the 12thannual NCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction, researchers presented more than 37 posters that showcased the latest studies on gambling disorders and responsible gaming. The posters included research such as a study of young adults that explored the connection between measures of problematic gambling behavior and impulsivity, and research that looked for associations of computer game involvement and problem gambling behavior among online players.

The lead author from the 2011 NCRG Conference Outstanding Poster award-winning research team is Dr. Iman Parhami, a postdoctoral research fellow in the department of psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and a member of the UCLA Gambling Studies program. Click below for the NCRG blog team’s interview with Dr. Parhami to learn more about his winning research project and his experience at the NCRG Conference. For more information on the UCLA Gambling Studies program you canvisit their website.

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