Have Grants, Will Travel – Apply For The NCRG’s Travel Grants For Investigators To Present Their Work At Scientific Conferences

One goal of the NCRG’s research program is to help investigators share their research findings with the larger addiction and mental health research communities. Because new research on gambling disorders is not usually represented at the premiere scientific meetings, the NCRG’s grants program established aTravel Grantscategory to support the participation of young gambling investigators in conferences such as the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, the American Psychological Association, the Society for Neuroscience and other meetings.
Those interested in applying for an NCRG Travel Grant may request up to $1,500 for travel in 2013 or 2014 to present their work to attend a scientific meeting. Eligible meetings include conferences that employ rigorous peer-review in the selection of posters and presentations.
Eligible applicants must be within 10 years of their doctorate (Ph.D.) or medical residence. The applicant must be the first author of the paper or poster that will be presented at the meeting. Funds can be used to support economy air transportation, lodging, ground transportation, meals and early-bird registration fees.
Upcoming Deadlines for Submissions:
- The College on Problems of Drug Dependenceis accepting a limited number of abstracts for presentation as a five-minute talk in a session devoted to important late-breaking findings (i.e., after December 3, 2012) at the annual meeting scheduled for June 15-20, 2013, in San Diego.
- The Association for Psychological Scienceis accepting submissions for its annual conference in Washington, D.C., on May 23-26, 2013, until January 31, 2013.
- Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction, a joint conference of Divisions 28 and 50 at the American Psychological Association, will accept submission of poster abstracts until February 1, 2013. The conference will be held in Atlanta, May 3-4, 2013.
These are just a few of the conferences for which a Travel Grant can be used. If you are interested in applying for a Travel Grant, or would like to learn more about the NCRG’s grants program, clickhere.
What meetings will you attend this year?
NCRG staffICRG NewsNCRG Grants ProgramNCRG Research ProgramScientific ConferencesTravel GrantsYoung Investigators