“A Family-Genetic Study of Pathological Gambling”

Principal Investigator: Donald W. Black, MD, University of Iowa
Awarded $169,929 in 2000

Aim: Understand the role that family history of gambling disorder plays in the development of pathological gambling. The investigator received a major grant from the National Institutes of Health in 2005 to continue the research.

Black, D.W., & Monahan, P.O., Temkit, M., & Shaw, M. (2006). A family study of pathological gambling. Psychiatry Research, 141(3), 295-303.

Black, D.W., Moyer, T., & Schlosser, S. (2003). Quality of life and family history in pathological gambling. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 191, 124-126.

Shaw, M.C., Forbush, K.T., Schlinder, J., Rosenman, E., & Black, D.W. (2007). The effect of pathological gambling on families, marriages, and children. CNS Spectrum, 12(8), 615-622.

Year: 2000
Type: Project Grants